At Tabernacle Kids, we exist to help children learn more about Jesus and what it means to have a relationship with Christ. Our team is excited to share the love of God and His Word with your child every week. We realize it is not only important to meet kids where they are, but also to show them that God is capable of doing big, amazing th
At Tabernacle Kids, we exist to help children learn more about Jesus and what it means to have a relationship with Christ. Our team is excited to share the love of God and His Word with your child every week. We realize it is not only important to meet kids where they are, but also to show them that God is capable of doing big, amazing things with their lives. Above all, we want kids to know Christ, to grow in His Word, and to go tell others about God’s love.
Every volunteer to work with children in any aspect at TBC have undergone a secure background check.
As we all know, the day and age we live in is uncertain and unpredictable to say the least. Our goal in Tabernacle Teens is to make the teenage years of your young people exciting and fun as we partner together with parents. We aim to reinforce at church the Biblical principles that teens are taught at home so they might be "Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith" (Col. 2:7.)
Tabernacle Young Adults provides a place where connections can be made through the church and the community. It is a place where knowledge is enhanced and each individual can flourish as a believer as well as have influence on those around and within our community for the cause of Christ. We want to bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ in everything we do.
Our group consists of adults, whether single and raising children, married, widowed, or any situation in between, we believe you will be blessed to find common ground and loving support in our connect class. We meet weekly for teaching, prayer, spirited discussions, food and fellowship. We believe that God did not design us to do life alone!
The TWOgether Couples Connect Group is geared to instruct, equip, and build up marriages. The Bible is the foundation of Truth from which the teaching is drawn to shape your marriage to look less like the world and more like Christ and the church. Likewise, Biblical parenting is needed in today's deteriorating culture. This class also en
The TWOgether Couples Connect Group is geared to instruct, equip, and build up marriages. The Bible is the foundation of Truth from which the teaching is drawn to shape your marriage to look less like the world and more like Christ and the church. Likewise, Biblical parenting is needed in today's deteriorating culture. This class also endeavors to instruct and equip parents with Biblical and practical strategies for Christ-centered homes.
The seniors at Tabernacle are a great inspiration to the entire body of our church. The faithfulness and great spiritual wisdom of seniors have set an exceptional example for the next generation. Although most have served and walked with the Lord for many years, there is still much room for us all to grow spiritually. It is our desire tha
The seniors at Tabernacle are a great inspiration to the entire body of our church. The faithfulness and great spiritual wisdom of seniors have set an exceptional example for the next generation. Although most have served and walked with the Lord for many years, there is still much room for us all to grow spiritually. It is our desire that all seniors would take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to enhance our spiritual walk with the lord.